Colin's Snowdrops

Our usual Friday morning routine with a trip to the food market and to the Co-op, and yes, it had been raining. Still mizzling while we were in town.

Early at Colin's and he hadn't got back from his shopping so we waited in the car. Colin scooted up the drive like a bat out of hell. I wonder sometimes he doesn't trip up on the kerb.

In the corner of his new border are these amazing tall snowdrops. Just had to take a photo.

His witch hazel was flowering beautifully.

Afterwards, and only one gin later, we went to Armstrongs' Mill to try and find some new shoes. I've been instructed to get some wider shoes. Shame, I like the ones I've got. Nothing at Pavers but I did buy some wellies for Iceland.

At home, I went online and rashly bought two pairs of shoes from a wider shoe shoeshop. I hope they fit.

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