Hyvaa Huomenta

Strava Day 279/ 75 Hard Off Phase Day 33.

Featured photo is a quick Snapseed edit using the double exposure tool: Combined a self-timed shot with the burst mode with T from this morning's indoor yoga with him. We did a variation of the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). Initially, we attempted it without music and then I let him lead which seems to please him.
Title is from a Timehop memory, not entirely sure as to what language it is but most probably it translates to "Good morning" since am not really nocturnal.
We all had fun today sharing tasks, creating, and spending several off-screen activities together.

Several days ago, Gramps scolded me for letting a "stranger" into our kitchen. He told me that during Ma's past "episodes," she was giving everything she has with her to a stranger that she no longer had anything left for herself.

Papa: ____________________ (Speaks in his tough Cavite tongue)

P( me): It's not Catholicism! It's task delegation. Saw someone not doing anything and asked how old she is. She is 22 and since I did not want to spend energy doing "dirty work" /menial tasks, I decided to delegate like any good manager would do.

From Meditations of Parents Who Do Too Much:
The way positive reinforcement is carried out is more important than the amount. -B.F. Skinner.

From Meditations of Women Who Do Too Much:
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. - Mother Teresa

Have a good one! :)

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