Back in the Red Again...

Maggie here....The woman has been back at it again. Just as I was getting used to those lovely, cool, relaxing Caribbean blues and all those fun sea shells, my living space is red again! The red quilt went up last week - something about it being a new month so we need to hang a new quilt? What's with that?

I should have known when that quilt went up that I would have my afghans and pillows switched off too...and sure enough..out they came today! I am surrounded by red, immersed in red...I find it hard to nap surrounded by such vivid and energizing red...

I keep waiting for my white fluffy winter afghans to return but seems we had a laundry issue..which she tells me is now solved..? Must have something to do with those three huge and scary men who showed up today lugging in this big square white thing.. 

Seems it is our new washing machine... What a relief..Now I will finally get my favourite afghans washed and returned to my chairs and perhaps, at last, she will be able to wash these white slipcovers too ...I do prefer them clean! 

The woman has had way too much time on her hands lately; hence all this re-decorating. She has hardly been out of the house for about two weeks..says she can't see...yeah right....or shouldn't drive...Well, today she finally went out.. said she was going to the lake to get a blip.. Great, I thought. She won't be stalking me later with that darned iPhone.

 But ..not so!  She was "not happy" with her lake blip, so, here I am with top billing and not only that - I even had to write this entry for her! She was "too busy" studying her new washing machine manual! 

Not a happy cat,

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