put on pants today

Sometime last year I encouraged a friend to give herself a break, she'd been through a lot, and she was doing what she had to - she'd put on pants.

Later I was carrying a bunch of laundry up the stairs and I had the jeans over my shoulders like this. Karen teased that she didn't think I was supposed to wear pants that way and I said people should just be happy I was wearing pants. 

I thought this would one day make a good Silly Saturday.

Since then, I saw a great video by Julie Nolke

It is all about putting on pants and I highly encourage you to watch it. 

We had some light snow, just enough to be pretty. 

We had an expert come to the house and he identified where the mice are coming in. On Wednesday his company will come, toss in more powerful poison, and close up every space so the mice die in the walls. He was a lovely person, Samuel adored him. When he left I asked if he would let Samuel continue to live with us. 

As for me, I made it through the day and I put on pants and that is good enough. 

The ability to slow down the invaders has allowed the Ukrainians to hand out guns and train civilians on how to use them. 

The US approved $200 M in new security aid to Ukraine. 

Ukrainians have been taking their pets with them. Pets have been helping people get through this time. (NPR) The European Commission advised EU countries to relax animal import restrictions for Ukainian refugees with pets. Humane Society International is helping. 

Ukrainian refugees Lesia Orshoko and Alona Chugai showed up in Israel where Sharon Bass took them in. Her grandmother was sheltered and saved by Lesia's grandmother during the Holocaust. 

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