
By Cairistiona1

Sunny D

Task for the day: find another letter of the alphabet.

One of the nice things about living in the countryside is that it is so quiet. Or at least it is most of the time. I mean the birds are a real pain in the neck at this time of year! I know that there are real worries about the declining number of songbirds in the country, but honestly, I think I've got most of them in my garden. Partly my own fault because I have left the garden to its own devices for some time now and it is a birdie paradise. As a result at dawn, which is roughly about 4am just now, they all start to sing. Boy could they give Placido a run for his money!

They hadn't stopped by 6.30am and so I was knackered when I got up at 7. Luckily the sun was still out and I got on with the task. As I shut the gates behind the car I noticed the shadow on the ground. Picked up my camera and took the shot thinking I might head out for a walk later. By 11 it was raining again. Never mind, at least I don't have to work in the garden!

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