Jump jump jump jump jump

Harp wanted to go to Carson's playgroup this morning so that's what we did. It really is a lovely playgroup and has a huge space for Carson. But he was in sensory overload and kept climbing and trying to jump on chairs. Most people are so understanding and very positive, but the same woman made a  couple of comments. After her first comment I explained he was in sensory overload and I kept removing him from the situation he was in and tried to distract him , but it didn't really work. After her second comment I ignored her . I think she just doesn't understand or doesn't want to.  When I left I felt quite overwhelmed and judged and had a wee cry . Then I pulled my big girl pants back up and gave myself a shake :-). Harp had a great time and so did Carson so that's what mattered. 

I then was buying the trampoline of someone from FB market place and was meeting in town to collect it. I did get a few strange looks on the way home . 

The Jedi absolutely loves it. He has bounced for over four hours, just coming off for a wee run into the lounge or a slice of pizza and then he goes back on. Hopefully it means my sofa's will be safe now. 
The big boys and Harp have struggled to get a turn on it. But I'll throw carson in the bath so they can have a play. 

Lincoln had a bad headache through the night so he's a little tired now. But they both had a good day at school. 

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