My starving animals

Really they do take a chance when hubby has a snack. Champers cat has now taken to joining Coda and the way they just sit and stare makes it hard to resist!! Coda is not supposed to have any treats as she is on a weight loss programme. She has lost five kgs and is looking so much better,
Today when hubby and I were going into town we saw a lovely cocker spaniel standing at the edge of the road looking very confused and miserable.( we were far from a built up area) We stopped and he let me pick him up, even wagged his tail. We were not far from the Animal Welfare so we took him there. He had a badly infected eye and his skin in one place didn't look good. The vet was going to see him, I couldn't stay as we had appointments in town. One wonders what happened - was he just dumped by his owners? He looks like an old boy. I will go and see him in a few days time. His photo is on the Animal Welfare facebook page, so we'll see what happens. I can't stop thinking about least he will be cared for - better than wandering around in the bush.

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