Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I picked up a friend this afternoon and we took Jax for a 2 mile walk in the park. He is now completely worn out, not surprising since he displayed all types of behavior on our walk - from delightful to horrifying. He is doing much better tempering his excitement when we meet people on our walk. He gets a solid F when it comes to meeting dogs. He goes into crazy puppy mode, lunging and barking and throwing himself into the air. At one point, after encountering 5 dogs in a row, we took him well off the road and sat for about 15 minutes so he could calm down. I almost lost my hold on the leash at one point which is my greatest fear. While Jax is friendly, not all other dogs are the same.

I will admit to feeling a bit defeated at the moment. I remind myself that he has gotten much better with his response to people. But his response to other dogs is out of control. And at 50 pounds he is getting harder for me to manage. I think I will look into private training to address this because the things I’m doing don’t seem to be working. I took some small comfort in watching someone with a young Great Pyrenees who was also wildly out of control. Misery loves company, eh?

Otherwise, we had a good day. Some play time this morning followed by destroying a cardboard box and some training. Temps up in the 50s with bright sunshine so the snow is melting fast. I’d hoped to get out with my camera but it wasn’t in the cards today.

I’m still trying to migrate everything over to the Mac. I’m pulling my hair out. I thought I had a solution for moving the hard drive files but hit a snag with that too. The screams you may be hearing are mine…

Dark and dense today and I’m not stopping at 2 squares!


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