Unexpected day off

Was supposed to be back at work today but it didn't happen.

Charlotte had a rash on her arm yesterday and it seemed to be getting worse last night, with spots appearing in various places. She was ok in herself so I guessed it was nothing serious but when hubby suggested last night that we ought to get it checked out I went into a bit of an irrational meltdown!! With everything that happened last year I just don't think I could cope with my little girl being ill.

Anyway I sugggested that rather than rush off to A&E we ring NHS Direct first as she didn't seem ill. They were good and said it didn't sound serious but to keep an eye on it overnight. I had already booked an appointment at the gp for today.

So followed a very restless night. This morning it was no worse, and Lottie was ok but I didn't think it was fair to take her to her grandma's without knowing what it was, so I ended up staying off with her. We had a lazy morning playing on her tablet and reading, although I did manage to get a bit of sorting out done.

The GP just confirmed it was one of these 'non-specific viral type of rashes (!)' and was nothing to worry about, and she will be fine for school on Monday which she was pleased about.

As we got home the sun put in a brief appearance so I had 5 minutes pootling round the garden with my camera!

Hope everybody has a lovely weekend, I need some sleep x

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