And she's off!

Did sleep much better last night and got a lie in while Lottie persuaded her dad to watch Scooby Doo!

We made use of the good weather, filled the washing line up and headed to the park. For months now we have been trying to get Lottie riding her bike but with a wet summer and a traumatic autumn/winter we have been short on opportunities.

Last time I went she was very hesitant and stopped pedalling as soon as she realised she was on her own. Stuart said she was a bit better when he took her during the school hols. Today she was off - she still struggles to push herself off but once she is in motion she's away!

Have to admit I shed a little tear when I saw her, and she was so pleased with herself. The pics aren't great but it had to be today's blip.

She has been promised a bigger bike once she has had a bit more practice!

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