
By ThisOldHouse


Wet again today, mainly prolonged drizzle with few breaks between the showers and complete cloud cover - cold too and quite depressing. This morning's meeting went well and this afternoon we headed back to the timber merchant for more wood to make up the remaining raised beds for the vegetable plot. The wood was stacked outside in the timber yard, soaking and heavy. It had to be cut up in the rain to get it in the car. Back at ThisOldHouse we cut lengths to size and screwed the pegs on to the sides in readiness for final assembly in situ - it may be possible tomorrow if dry as forecast.

Though dull and miserable, there's increasing colour in the garden, like this bonny Primula, which we call 'pom-pom'. We have loads of them here and they multiply profusely. So, any time soon the offspring will be taken to start populating the field.

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