Shadows in the Afternoon

Wide Angle Wednesday has the Challenge of Shadows today; I stood on my deck looking for a shadow. The sun quickly lowered in the Western sky as the last golfers teed off of the 3rd tee. I captured this golfer as he prepared to hit; I like the shadow behind him on the grass. 
Thanks to Jensphotos for hosting.

Ellie went home after ballet class today; she Facetimed me when she talked her Grandpa into filling her little swimming pool with nice warm water so she could play in the sunshine... there she was in her swimming suit, in the pool, with a delighted smile...splashing was probably 61 F...but it looked lovely in the sun...that is all that mattered to our little miss Ellie. She knows how to make her own fun; our son is a very fun Grandfather and makes her fun happen. 

Ron returned from his trip to Hawaii late last night; they had the best time ever there. I am so happy they decided to go. Their adult son, who still lives at home, is so proud of himself because he ate healthily, quit a bad habit, and lost a little weight while they were gone. He is also interviewing for a new job, and he feels like he is going to get it since they are just checking his references now. Ron's daughter came home from University yesterday, so they are all together today. Ron is feeling well, and he is hopeful the MRI of his brain will be good on the 25th. 

I hope your week is going well.

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