The second half of life..

By twigs

Lake Wakatipu

Enjoyed a lovely sunny Sunday morning including a long and well-overdue chat with J which I was going to go in to see on the way through today.  Sadly, that idea was halted immediately when J told me she'd just tested positive for covid yesterday and was now in isolation at home, well apart from the rest of her family.  A lovely, slow drive along the lakeside, some grocery shopping in Frankton (no need to go into Queenstown when there are massive shopping precincts at Frankton) then only a short drive to the top of the Cardrona Road.  I'd barely been parked 10 minutes when I heard something scampering and hopping around on the roof.  Seconds later the 'something' thought it might try to come inside via the ceiling vent!  Thank goodness for the anti-bug mesh was also birdproof.  

I've felt myself dragging my feet today.........I'm looking forward to going home but I'm not sure I'm ready to.  This 'Deep South [via the Kaimanawas]' trip has lead me to so many new places and new sights I'm sure I'll be back for a deeper exploration some time.  With international borders set to open up, possibly quite soon, it will be hard to beat this trip though........I've been fortunate to enjoy this very special part of the country with far fewer people, far fewer vehicles and far more space, so it's been a bit like a private viewing and for that, this trip will remain as a special trip in my memory.

PS This image is a poor substitute from my phone as I accidentally deleted those taken with my camera.  Bugger!

In COVID news 14,494 new cases were reported today; 896 are in hospital and 18 in ICU.  8 more people have lost their lives to the virus.

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