Laboscope app

Yesterday I was waiting by the front all day for some parcels. On a sunny day, I would have been sitting in the front garden drinking a cuppa, waiting for the parcels. But since that horrid neighbour cut into my front garden as well by the wall, it has exposed where I sit on the bench. So, no privacy any more there. My evergreens there have not grown back yet. I was hoping he would have extended that Fort Knox Fence to that bit, but he didn't. I am in the process of growing an inner wall, 2 metres inwards, of Buddleia, but it is still growing...

So I sat in the kitchen doorway earlier on, and the stray cats got a surprise. It seems they are coming in and out that side of my bungalow now. Much safer. There is a high wall on that side, and there is my metal gate which I keep shut. One came in the kitchen for food. So I fed her there.

Midday, parcels still not arrived. Sun had moved, as it is wont to do during the day. So, I went to the front window, opened that to hear a van coming in, but alas Mr Duracell was working non stop, in and out with the sand and long pieces of wood. Then surprise surprise, another delivery of sand and long pieces of wood. And the crane lifting them all off into his driveway, and front garden. Then Mr Duracell was in and out with a wheelbarrow of sand, and carrying several lengths of that heavy wood. He is not human. He can't be.

Then guess what? Yet another huge lorry came in with more sand, lots more of those huge one ton yellow bags. And more long pieces of wood. He had better not be building a viewing platform in his back garden. I might have to take up archery again, and learn how to fire 'flaming' arrows...

Still no parcels. I fired off an email to one firm before close of business, they hadn't responded to my mid week request about when I may expect delivery of my precious goods. So this email upped the ante. I had spent weeks searching for this item and I was getting very anxious.

The other parcel was from eBay. I had paid for Royal Mail postage. But then the delivery info shifted to something called Evri. What the heck is this? Googled. Evri is the new name for Hermes, and they are now going to deliver a fantastic service now. Well, this is the first time Hermes have let me down in all these years. What a stupid name. If the parcel doesn't come today, I will be on to the seller, because I did initially pay for Royal Mail 48 hr, and this was a week ago on Friday. I will be asking for a refund because of non delivery. I did not agree to Hermes/Evri delivery.

That is my rant over...for the moment... apron in a kaleidoscope, fartnarkled a bit.

Shadow was first in the queue this morning at daybreak. She was sitting on the swing waiting. She let me stroke her head easily today, but not the rest of her. Shadow fed and left, and Mr&Mrs Blackbird were next in the queue for the cat bowl of dry cat biscuits. Next in the queue was Calico. It has taken me awhile training her that you do not catch birds in my garden (using that dog bark driveway alert alarm, again, each time she as much as looked as a bird). She waited her turn....gennepher's cat diner is in full swing this morning....

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