Best laid plans

Covid Day 4

Woke up with blocked nose and sore throat, the later a by-product of my persistent coughing. Strepsils, cough mixture and lots of liquids are helping. The arrival of menthol crystals & decongestant have helped the former. 

It has been a lovely day - crisp with bright blue skies and would have been perfect for walking ..... and in an alternate university we would have been heading up Schiehallion with Laura Muir.  I look forward to us visiting the fairy hill of the Caledonians later in the year *

Instead I practiced some more crocheting, more Gaelic, attempted to make a quiche for first time (more practice is needed) and worked on a jigsaw. I also had a nap.

Just when you thought Boris Johnston couldn't sink any lower he proves you wrong by comparing the amazing courage shown by the people of Ukraine in resisting Russian aggression to UK voting to leave Brexit. The sooner he goes the better and not just for UK. 

* a commonly accepted definition of the names, there are others which are less poetic.  

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