Green Door

Just realised that I promised to put up a picture of the new door once the sun came out. Well, I’m only three days late and my excuse is that I got distracted by daffodils and pies.
A bit of a strange gig last night. Superb crowd, lots of people on the dance floor but we were very strictly limited to two forty five minute sets - even had one of the bouncers motioning us to “cut” halfway through the last number as we had run out of time! We would have happily played for longer and the crowd were obviously up for it, but it seems the curfew is very strictly enforced.
So it was home earlier than anticipated which meant a reasonable start to today. Went out for a decent walk in the sun, with a leisurely stop for coffee halfway round. I should have been at play rehearsal this afternoon, but lack of numbers meant it was cancelled. I used the bonus hours to do some tidying up in the study, put the gear away from last night and fitted a door stop to prevent the new door from hitting the worktop when fully open.
I’m quite pleased as to how the door matches the blinds and the tiles (just visible through the side glass) even though we didn’t consciously plan it that way. Someone else in the street had one installed in this colour and we just liked the look of it - the fact it fits in so well with the rest of the decor is a bonus.
All we have to do now is get the wall re-rendered, as the new door really shows up how tired looking it’s become. But that’s a job for summer.

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