My Girls

I had a great flight this morning and arrived in Manchester at 11.30am. Rachel, Scott and Scarlett came to pick me up from the airport, and then we went to mum's before heading out for lunch at the local Italian restaurant.

Scarlett was a good girl while we had lunch, and on the way back we called in at the shop where we bought her pram as the girls wanted to see her. Whilst we were there I ended up buying a travel cot! It wasn't planned, but they had some on promotion and we'll need one for when they come to visit us.

We're now back at mum's and Scarlett's had her milk, tried out her new baby carrier with daddy, and now it's cuddle time with mummy and Ewan the dream sheep. Ewan is a sleep aid for babies - he plays soothing music together with sounds from the womb.

I love the way she's looking at her mummy in this photo - they're sat in mum's rocking chair and Scarlett seems to really enjoy the rocking motion.

Hope you're having a good weekend, I certainly am :-)

Coincidentally, I noticed my blip from a year ago and this time last year I flew to Manchester for Rachel's hen party!

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