
By KathyH58

Mar 23

A good day out looking for birds! My first stop was Miners Marsh, a favorite of mine and for many others too. The Canada geese and the mallards were scouting out nesting spots. I could hear 2 cardinals singing, but they would not come out for photos. This northern mockingbird did come out for photos. I got some good shots, then moved on, When I came back a couple of guys with the big cameras were there, but he didn't want to come out for photos for them, lol. The song sparrows were singing. The male red winged blackbirds are back. As I walked around the upper pond I spotted 6 wood ducks, 3 males and 3 females. When I reported them on ebird tonight, it came back that 6 is an unusually high number for this time of year, so I was pleased that I saw that many. As I was headed back to the parking lot, I spotted a white breasted nuthatch, then realized there were 2 of them there. I saw something else fly to the other side of the path, and focussed my camera on it, it was a brown creeper. Three other birders were leaving at the same time, when they saw me taking a photo of something, they stopped too. There were some other small birds flying around too, very hard to get a good photo of them. We watched them, and counted 4 golden crowned kinglets. I saw 15 species of birds at the marsh today. I am not sure what I missed, but the other 3 that I was talking to saw 22 species.
After leaving the marsh I picked up my new to me truck, a 2018 Chev Colorado. Then a quick stop at a garden center that opened on Monday.  I will be going back in a couple of weeks to get some of their plants.
I had 2 other birds that I had hoped to find today, a trumpeter swan and a snow goose. I didn't see the swan at either location where it had previously been seen. I did find the snow goose and got a couple of photos of him. Then a quick stop in Grand Pre for a couple of photos to use in one of the weekly challenges. On my way back to the truck that time I spotted a hairy woodpecker along with several other birds, but I only had the 18 - 55 mm lens on my camera, so no photos of them.

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