
How many people in this world dare show their true and purest individuality? Not many...

An art exhibition I went to see with my friend Kevs made me think of this. His niece's artwork was on display. A very interesting art exhibition and it was good to catch up with Kevin, who I hadn't seen for months!

This little smokers' bus was just outside the gallery.

Later on I went to do some shopping. I have a battery on my watch now! :)

After my shopping I went home and was on the computer for a bit before heading off to the gym. It was funny because I was having a conversation with one of my Finnish blipfriends, and trying to show off practice my Finnish, I said (or rather tried to say) "looking forward to seeing you" in Finnish, what I actually said was "I'm expecting to kill you", one of this lost in translations things... hahaha!

I have to remember: tapaa=meet, tappaa=kill. That extra "p" makes all the difference! I'd rather not say it in case I end up saying to people: "I'll kill you tomorrow at 4.00 if that's ok!" Hahahaha!

Anyway... Going to a gig this evening. A friend of mine is playing in the band. I'll have something to eat and then I'll head there!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars! I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! :)

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