
I snapped this photo of Carson at breakfast. Deep in thought. And then I managed to catch one of the wee blank spells he has. The health visitor thinks he's having wee absent seizures. 

It's been a lovely and productive day. I took Carson and Lincoln up town this morning to get some groceries and to pick up some paperwork. 

When I came back I decided to make some breakfast ( after 11). Then the doorbell rang. I totally forgot the Jedi's new health visitor was coming. He had just went up for a nap. She was lovely and we had a good blether. She also had some cool tattoos. 

When she had left and after my breakfast/lunch I made a pile of cheese scones. I then let the boys play in the garden while I mowed the back lawn. I started on the edging too. Woo hoo go me . 

When nana and grandad were dropping Xander home , grandad commented on what a good job Mr R had made of the front lawn. Before I could open my mouth nana was like , I bet it was Nadine that cut it ;-) 

All the Wildlings will go back in the garden for a while after dinner and then I need to bath the two smaller ones. 

Thanks for all your hearts and star's yesterday. The app I do those collages on is called phinish. It's a great app and literally takes not much time at all. 

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