Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Flippin' 'eck!

OK, so we know that the new job is barely tolerably idiotic, for idiots, by idiots, with idiots.
But at least all are kind and friendly, no criticism of the persons involved.
I have a plan, a path, a route, that should get me where I would prefer to be by the time I need to be there.
I'm not quite sure how to re-set all my job alerts just at the moment, I will need to confer, but meanwhile I continue to be bombarded by inappropriate job alerts which I won't turn off for the risk of missing a good one.
And in the last couple of days I have received some interesting alerts and applied for a couple of posts despite the fact that in truth they probably involve a few more hoops than I care to somersault through right now.
Gotta just keep at it – you never know where the trampoline will bounce you next.

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