a town called E.

By Eej


I had an odd dream in which I found both my Pap and my cat Jeremiah in a room together. I figured, while dreaming, that this would be a good place to keep them since they are both no longer with me. But when I realised that that's why I was dreaming about them, and that it would have been my Pap's birthday today I got so sad I wanted to wake up. And I did. Except I was still sleeping. So I was dreaming that I was dreaming. 'Inception' anyone?
Then I really woke up and it was 6 and my Monthly Inner Biotch was raising her ugly head and the Beloved had his own demons that woke him up so we were both bleary-eyed and less than pleasant while grocery shopping.


My Papa was a: "Child, if that is what makes you happy, just do it" man, so I'm sure that while he would have raised an eyebrow over my foray into the woods to look for emerging pixies, he would have very much enjoyed the fact it made me happy. I also wore a flat cap (his trademark) and his old suede coat :)


And in related news; when your prototype and your own creativity fail you, sometimes it's good to go back to the start.

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