Running round like a headless


A long, hot but delightful day at the zoo. The weather was perfect although it did mean the world and his wife had also decided a day at the zoo would be a good idea…the queues to get in reached the top of the car park just shortly after opening time. The birthday boy was a little angel and flaked out on the way home completely exhausted.

I’ve got him all day and overnight tomorrow so he’ll get his birthday present then…hopefully Uncle G will be here early to finish building it!! I totally flunked last night, it needed one or more of more muscle, electric screwdriver or longer screws…none of which I had!!

An unexpected and unposed for family portrait in extras with the birthday boy taking centre stage. It seems forever since his first birthday (so much water under the bridge and changes in my life) but yet it’s hard to believe he’s two already…he’s definitely turning into a proper little boy now, all skinned knees and bruises!

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