
By Cari

Selfy & Sister

I had told myself that when I turned 50 I would do a selfy. This isn't what I had in mind when I thought that but this works for me!! :) That is my sister on the left. She is a lovely person, inside and out. She just turned 42. I think she looks 32 :) We had such a great visit! She left for home today as did our son. He will be back next week to work for a couple months. Time to come off my birthday 'high'.

It was a gorgeous chilly day! Took my sister up to Shore Acres park to see the gardens and the ocean. We took this photo up there. I am going to miss everyone but tonight we have the house to ourselves again and it's nice. Glenn has a great fire going so I will go join him and have shrimp in cocktail sauce with bread and blue cheese spread that just came out of the oven...YUM!!

Happy Saturday

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