Tree of a Different Color

Hubby got up early and helped with the Knight’s monthly breakfast at church. They scheduled it a week early to accommodate a widowed parishioner who had a large group of out of town guests for his daughter’s wedding. The Knights cooked extra food for the guests’ breakfast. I found plenty of odd jobs while he was out. My sister and BIL came over to help cut down the leaning pine tree. The women stayed inside for two reasons: 1- the men did not want our interference or suggestions and 2- it was very cold and windy. We were quite concerned about our BIL standing on that wobbly ladder in the wind with a chainsaw, especially when hubby had to hold the tow rope instead of the ladder. They took it down in sections and only one piece missed its mark; it knocked a camellia bush a bit sideways but hubby said the damage is slight. I got brave enough to go out long enough to grab my blip. This tree is certainly different than yesterday’s gorgeous cherry trees. This was the only pine tree on our property and I will miss it. Growing up in “Piney Point”, it was my connection to childhood. My sister and I created our meal plan for the next WV trip which will begin on Easter Saturday and continue for 10 days. Our mother will accompany us. When those tasks were complete, we thanked our helpers with a tasty early dinner at the local steakhouse. Then we all four headed to our homes to rest. Hubby will cut and split the logs into firewood tomorrow which is predicted to be colder than today. Brooklyn’s team won two of their three tournament games in even nastier weather. Their games were three hours north of us in the Allegheny foothills. She only played in one game since she injured her wrist during practice on Thursday. They put her in as an offensive player where she wouldn’t need her bandaged hand and she scored. It was freezing, snowy nasty weather and she wasn’t crazy about being stationary on the bench most of the time. Neither were the Moms. She goes to the orthopedic specialist tomorrow. My family enjoyed a successful weekend; sure hope you did also. Thanks for the visit and kind stars/comments recently. Pray for Ukraine; sounds like that may be their only hope. “Give me a land of boughs in leaf
A land of trees that stand;
Where trees are fallen there is grief;
I love no leafless ground.” - A.E. Housman

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