Bad News/Good News

Let’s go with the good news first. Hubby got up early this morning and went out in temps below freezing to cut up the pine tree. The wind has been brutal these last two days and they are predicting even colder temperatures tomorrow. I stayed in most of the day except to get my blip and water the birds. Hubby split and stacked 21 of the 32 large trunk logs plus all the firewood he made from the branches. He got up to 8 pieces of firewood from each log. His little electric log splitter worked nicely. So, we will have plenty of wood for our fire pit; pine is too sappy for the fireplace. He also got up the pile of rubbish I had stacked from spent flowers/dead azalea branches in the front garden. Hubby feels great about his progress. Brooklyn, on the other hand, did not get good news at the specialist’s today. She has a growth plate fracture on her wrist and could be out of her goalie position for up to 8 weeks, depending on how soon it heals. Kim said Brookie’s tears flow every time she thinks about it. But there is a silver lining in every cloud. This weekend, she made a goal playing offense and the doc says she can play that position as long as she wears the hard brace and bubble wrap on it during games. Maybe she will get the thrill of scoring while the wrist heals. While all that activity was astir, I cleaned, did laundry, made our WV grocery list, cooked BBQ pork ribs in the crock pot and cabbage on the stove. I am going to try making sautéed cinnamon apples and a hash brown casserole to go with it. Thanks for visiting and showing concern for those silly men yesterday. Things are looking no better in Eastern Europe. I sure hope those who want to escape can do so safely. “No athlete is truly tested until they’ve stared an injury in the face and come out on the other side stronger than ever” - Anonymous

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