Blood From a Stone

As in “You can’t get…”
Interim diabetic review is due so I duly presented myself at the doctors for a couple of phials worth to be extracted. Being a helpful sort of chap, I decided to wear a T shirt to make life easier for the nurse.
What I hadn’t bargained on was the fact that an Arctic wind had swept in overnight and it was absolutely freezing outside. As a consequence, my body quite naturally constricted all its blood vessels to conserve heat. Which is not ideal when someone is jabbing a needle in you, trying to find a vein.
My left arm normally gives up blood freely and copiously, but none was forthcoming today. The nurse then switched to the right arm, which eventually (after some stabbing around) gave up the required amount.
Given the size of the plaster that was slapped on afterwards, I assumed there were several holes in my arm. But I now think it was just an act of revenge on the part of the nurse to pay me back for making her job difficult. I base this conclusion on the fact that when I removed said plaster, it took half the hairs off my arm with it!
The weather continued to be cold and miserable this afternoon - so much so that it actually started snowing at one point!
An early tea now before heading out to rehearsal. I couldn’t make it on Sunday but will no doubt find scene one has been blocked in my absence so I’ll be spending the evening standing in the wrong place! Mind you, that’s not so different to what I’ll probably be doing when we’re actually performing the play.
Just a case now of hoping not to hear anything from the surgery, as I was told I’ll only be contacted if the results are “outside the range”. No news is good news definitely applies here.

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