
It was my day off today. I got up and did an hour Pilates class via Zoom. My glutes were not happy!

Then a quick foray into town to grab a few bits for Little Miss' upcoming birthday. I got a call from a friend while I was out - we share an office. She had just tested positive for Covid. Once home, Little Miss insisted that I do a RAT. It was negative. 

I had my coaching call at 12:00 and then started to feel tired and snotty. My sore throat started niggling. We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow. I often get a bit sick at this time of the term, so it might just be a coincidence.

Little Miss' parent/teacher interviews this evening and then a relaxing night. It's what we all need right now. MrB is already frustrated by his lack of ability post surgery. I've told him he's got to pace himself. He didn't take any time off after his op and is there again today.

Abe had the right idea, curling up in his bed after a long walk with Little Miss.


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