The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Sunshine and snowstorms

I had an online card order to complete today (last day of month) and managed this, despite the website almost crashing. Took some more books to the charity shop, went on to pick up the twins from their playgroup. Didn't go to the park because, although the sun was shining, the wind was cold, and I'd encountered a brief snow flurry on my way to town.

Mostly we had a good time this afternoon, though the sibling rivalry between the twins is acute. I think that doing this job is karma for me. My next-younger sister and I are only 55 weeks apart ("Irish twins") and I am the elder. As children and teenagers, we fought. Adults had to help us sort out our differences. Now I'm doing the same for other children. But I showed them that's it's ok to play outside in between hailstorms, and how to catch hail, and watched many episodes of Peppa Pig with a twin snuggled up either side of me.

I left the house at the usual time, wishing I had my sunglasses handy. By the time I reached the shop 500 yards away, a snow shower was threatening. I exited the shop and took refuge in the Five Valleys mall. When the sun returned, I walked up to a charity shop, where I managed to find a wooden magazine rack for friend D. Staggered home with rucksack on back, cat litter and food in one shopping bag, magazine rack in the other hand! CS had returned from an adventure in Bristol, so we watched a couple of quiz shows on my laptop. Funny moment occurred when CS was trying to set up Siri on a new phone. I asked CS in a West country accent, "would you like some tea, my lovely?" Siri surprised us by replying, "I can't answer that question".

I had just enough time to snap the light at the bottom of the garden, and to read the meters and submit my readings online (we all have to do this, because the gas and electricity price cap expires tomorrow), before setting about my evening chores. D has been given an Amazon gift voucher. I have set up an account for him.This one could run and run, I feel.

Tomorrow GG and I are going on an exciting trip to Stonehouse. Snow may fall again. Watch this space.

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