
I was with J for most of the day, as her other PA, who is normally here on Wednesdays, is now unwell. This meant supporting/signing for her at the Art Talk, which is now a hybrid session, with some members in the care centre and others joining online. J had chosen Georgia O'Keefe's landscape paintings as the topic, and had selected paintings and prepared some comments. It went well, and I enjoyed revisiting Georgia O'Keefe. We went to an excellent exhibition at Tate Modern a few years ago, and I particularly like some of the paintings J chose, where the shapes and tones of landscape become increasingly abstract.

After lunch, we went outside on the pretext of seeing the lambs. They were not very lively, just hanging around and eating grass, but I washed another pile of seed trays and modules: I'm trying to be careful about hygiene after last year's plague of whitefly. It's time to sow the next batch of seeds, as everything in the propagator and on the heat mat is well up now. 

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