Keeping one's head above water...

April the first, and it's no joke! A lot of us will soon be sinking under the onslaught of bills (cough). I wonder how things will pan out over the next year or so... I expect as ever the rich will get richer and the rest of us, well, we'll be ducked. Brexit and Covid have really battered us, and now the true costs are about to be revealed.

I think I've mentioned before how savage duck sex can appear to humans. I was stood not far from where this shot was taken, one year, and a handful of Shelduck lads took turns holding the lady under water, doing what was far too terrible for the outraged old lady stood next to me. She shouted in panicked tones to her husband to "get in there and stop them!" 

Check them out in large. Ducks don't have teeth of course, but that bill does look fairly uncompromising. She's certainly having a mall'ard time of it.

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