Work That Body

No running or gym visits last week and I have to speak to the diabetic nurse on Monday, following the bloods I gave last week. I suspect it will not be good news, so I thought I’d start the new month with plenty of exercise. A PT session yesterday and I thought I’d accompany Mrs C to the gym today whilst she had her session.
As it was a nice day, I thought I’d run down to the gym instead of driving. Took it reasonably easy so I still had a bit of energy to move some weights around. Even found time for a little walk into town afterwards for a coffee.
Not surprisingly, I didn’t feel like doing much this afternoon and, as I wasn’t needed for play rehearsals, I thought I’d have a clear out of the filing cabinet. Weirdly, I saw from a Facebook memory this afternoon that it’s exactly two years since I last did this! Back then, it was to alleviate the boredom of lockdown and I ended up with a pile of paper about two feet high that needed shredding. Today, only about a tenth of that amount has been removed from the files. Probably because after the last clear out, I switched a lot of things to paperless correspondence.
No aches and pains from the exercise at the moment, and I’m hoping it stays that way as I really need to up my game now spring is here. Yes, I’ll still be going to the gym but it’s the running that has the most effect in helping to keep the blood sugars where they should be. Just as long as it stays dry…

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