Red Dead-Nettle

It's been another windy day with scattered showers and a few sunny spells, so very mixed. 
In the afternoon we thought we'd seen the last of the rain so headed over to Parkgate for a while. Nothing much around bird-wise that was close enough to photograph but we enjoyed a bit of fresh air anyway.  
Some nice species seen - Marsh and Hen Harriers, Kestrels, Little and Great White Egrets and plenty of geese, but no owls. I think that they may be hunting much later in the day now that the clocks have gone forward. 
I saw quite a few clumps of these flowers that I liked, but didn't really have the right lens for them, but here they are anyway. I think that they are Red dead-nettle, but apparently they don't sting like nettles which is nice. 
Thanks Miranda for hosting the first Wildflower week of the year. 

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