Freaky Fall

The symmetry of the ornamental pear trees is one of the reasons they are used in somewhat formal settings. It has dense clusters of white flowers that are in full bloom at this time of year. It's not uncommon to see these trees along the streets of many eastern United States towns. Our town has these trees all along our Main Street.
The white blossoms against the bright blue sky made the trees seem even more spectacular than usual. I decided it would make for a nice blip today.
Today was my nephew's Confirmation and so we went to a family party for him this afternoon. A bunch of my nephews where all playing tennis on the courts behind my parent's house. I asked my husband to go take a few photos of the kids since they flew in and out of the house like a blur and I didn't get any shots of them.
Well, he went over to the tennis courts and did in fact take a few pictures but he also decided to join the boys in a little game of tennis. In a freak set of mishaps my husband ran full speed to hit the ball, tripped, landed first on his ass and since his cell phone was in his pocket he said like he felt as if he broke his ass. He then fell onto his wrist, rolled and hit his head on the fence poll. This had my nephews rolling on the ground laughing. He came back into the house and announced I missed some great action on the tennis court and then proceeded to tell everyone what had happened. Well now the entire room is in a fit of laughter. He does have a bump on his head and will probably have to get his wrist checked out tomorrow since it seems to be swollen and tender but the good news is, his cell phone is fine.
Never a dull moment around here.

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