Happy 40th birthday Andrew!

Another day passes and I still haven't managed to get back to my journal article :-(

Instead I provided feedback on a conference submission (due on 10th) for Katherine, fielded email, chatted online with Bruce, prepared our guest suite (garden view, private bathroom) for the arrival of Katherina and Andrew for a weekend of fun, tidied the garden, made a first course for dinner this evening (smoked salmon vol au vent*), and cooked a boeuf bourguignon for tomorrow.  

Our guests arrived just before 7pm and - as predicted - we enjoyed a wonderful first evening together. Mr hazelh served us lobster thermidor for supper, followed by chocolate fudge cake. The cake was in honour of Andrew's 40th birthday - as is a sparkly banner that currently hangs at the head of the bed in the guest suite.

My blip shows Andrew preparing to blow out his birthday candles.

*This really is the plural. I checked.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike.

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