A Day in the Life…

… of a happy, simple country girl. We were up at 6:45 because we had a jam packed day planned - what’s new! A friend’s husband had major kidney surgery so our prayer group is preparing meals. Today was our turn. I had to go past their home to get to Parker’s lacrosse game so we made everything this morning. Parker’s team had a terrible day; they were skunked. But he played well even after being injured in the game; kids are tough. I was hungry for a cheeseburger (have eaten chicken all week) so we went to BK-yum. We delivered the firewood rack to our SIL and visited with his family. They are creating eight raised beds for gardening. I think they are off to a good start. Kristen has asked for vegetable and strawberry plants for her birthday (18 Apr while we are in WV). We will shop when we get back because it is still too cold for most plants not to go into shock. She invited us and my mother to dinner tomorrow. We came home, I walked around looking at what’s blooming on the property, did a bit of clean up from the morning meal prep and it was time for 5:00 Mass. I have shared this weeping cherry before but it was gorgeous against our vibrant blue sky today. The creeping phlox is also in bloom. It should be even nicer next spring after we remove all the liriope. During the day, I have been watching progress/bidding on items at two virtual silent auctions at local Catholic schools. The one by my mother ended at 5:00. After Mass, I learned I was high bid on two items so hubby will pick them up when he goes down to work on the camper. We’ll have a quiet evening at home. All in all we had a very enjoyable day, hanging out with the family and hopefully bringing happiness to others. Tomorrow should be just as much fun. Hope your weekend has been as pleasant. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe and count your blessings. Remember those in the war.. “A happy life is made of little things.” - Carol Holmes

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