A Minor Miracle

The flowers of Iris suaveolens in the raised bed have been completely removed by slugs (I presume) so it seems almost miraculous that these in a trough are so far completely untouched.    It's a very dwarf species rhizomatous Iris with flowers similar to the widely grown Tall Bearded Iris but this one is only a few inches high.   

A full on busy day.   Work at Aber cafe did start slowly but two very busy trains included a party of seventeen who all wanted a meal during the 25 minute layover.   Thankfully advance warning allowed me to get an order from them as the train paused briefly on it's outward journey and when they returned twenty minutes later we had every thing under control.

After work I had a brief pause on my sofa, mostly awake.  I watched the Grand National then loaded the car for my trip to visit Ruth.   Now in Birmingham, arriving a little before Clara, with Jamie who travelled over by train yesterday.   A full house with the four of us plus three dogs!   Tired.  A good night's sleep will help but I suspect a siesta will be needed tomorrow afternoon.

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