Species tulips.

A late blip hunt this afternoon -paperwork this morning and then three and a half hours on the allotment over lunchtime/ early afternoon. We now have broad-beans, peas and onions planted and one patch of land almost completely dug and cleared of weeds. (We've been trying to go easy on the digging so we don't end up with bad backs after a winter of hunkering down inside.)

I bought these tulips at the garden centre on the day I cleaned my car at the garage - I can't remember now but it must have been last week. They were holding their faces to the sun and I thought they were worth blipping. My main problem was the strong wind - so I set quite a fast shutter speed to get this image, which seems to have worked.

I'm gradually preparing for my forthcoming exhibition in Sheffield. No doubt the panic will set in soon and I'll wonder where the time went to.

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