Karate Kid !

Ben had a whole day at one of these Holiday sports camps doing lots but still had plenty energy to throw himself around the garden with karate moves. He watched Kobra Kai (and Karate Kid) last month and is enthusiastic to learn Karate and been watching You Tube videos learning the moves. His mum is looking at what club to send him to as he’s so keen. Not sure why he needed to put on my plastic gloves :)

Had a lunch at Hinterland- delicious butternut squash and roasted veg with two hunks of soft brown bread which was my blip till Ben arrived in the evening.

I have no words that I can adequately document the absolute farce of our WM Government. All I can say is if that was our own FM the media would be SCREAMING resign, not making excuses of ‘there is a war on’ (DM). And Mainly silence from the Scottish Unionists, here and everywhere. Where is your outrage ?

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