A time for everything

By turnx3

Turner Farm

We only found out about Turner Farm a couple of years ago, while in conversation with a friend from our last church. Turner Farm is a working organic farm situated on 230 acres of permanently preserved land in Indian Hill, an extremely affluent area of Cincinnati - huge mansions on very large plots of land - not an area you tend to think of having a working farm. Though of course the “Village of Indian Hill”, as it is referred to, had its origins as a farming community, which prospered as the nearby Little Miami Railroad provided cost effective shipping to Cincinnati. From about 1904, Cincinnatians bought up its farmhouses as rural weekend destinations, reaching Indian Hill on the Swing Line, a train running between downtown Cincinnati and Ramona Station. We were particularly interested in it as a source of lamb, since lamb unfortunately is not very common in supermarkets around here. They also sell some beef and pork, as well as fresh eggs and vegetables. They also have a Teaching kitchen where they offer classes teaching healthy eating using the regions seasonal produce. For today, we came away with a joint of lamb and some fresh eggs, and I came away with some photos for a blip!
It was another gloomy wet day, so early afternoon we went to the sports centre for a swim, although seeing that the pool was fairly busy - it only has three lanes - Roger decided to go on the fitness machines instead. I managed 60 lengths today - it’s been quite a while since I did that distance, so I was quite pleased with myself, as well as quite tired afterwards!

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