
It has been a perfectly beautiful day - warm and cloudless with a gentle breeze. J and I sat on the deck after our extended Saturday brunch, preparing the interview which will be filmed on Zoom next week; I was asking prompt questions to help her to think about or develop her responses, writing down her ideas and encouraging her to think about vocabulary. I think of it as a kind of "midwifery" to help her to express ideas more clearly while trying to avoid putting words into her mouth - she's profoundly deaf, thinks in sign but can't make her hands perform it, can't hold a pen or type with her hands, and writing with assistive technology is very slow and laborious for her. Her "deaf English" also struggles at times to communicate her thoughts adequately, so dictating to me, and having me tidy up or rephrase as we go, supports both her use of language and setting it down. Doing this work away from the computer, with a bit of gentle distraction from the cats and the circling buzzards, proved very productive today.

I planned to blip the pear blossom, which was looking gorgeous against the blue sky, but it's been relegated to an extra by the dozing cat, perfectly relaxed in the sun. 

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