
By GenuineBlip

Good Friday

Catholics (and other Christians) recognize Good Friday as the day of the crucifixion of Jesus. Having been raised Roman Catholic, I know the story and the importance to the faith. As a Buddhist, and more so, as a mother I have a different sensitivity to the story — that of a parent and mother grieving the suffering and death of her child. It is a universal sorrow that strikes the core of one’s heart. “Stabat Mater” (sorrowful mother in Latin) is a 13th c. Christian hymn to Mary, which portrays her suffering as her son, Jesus, is tortured and dies hanging from a cross. The lyrics set to music by the composer Pergolesi, were performed at the Chiesa of Santa Maria Forisportam. There was a small orchestra and the lyrics were sung by a soprano and mezzosoprano. The lyrics were sung in latin, which I followed along…on my copy was also the Italian and English translation. The lyrics are moving and the performance by the two women vocalists was piercingly moving. The photo is of a sculpture/painting in the church. The extra photo was taken before the performance, Mike is looking at the hole in the church that shines on the meridian etched in the floor - it is a darkroom sundial. See April 2 text and extra photo for more info.

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