Evening daisy

By the time I took the camera outside, the sun was dropping behind the hill and the garden was in shadow. Outside on the roadside verge, just a few little patches of light were illuminating some of the daisies and dandelions. It was windy too, so I struggled a bit with speed and focus, but I liked the light on this one against the shadowy base of the conifer hedge. I've always loved daisies.

It's been a busy but positive day: J's PA M was back, so I rushed around doing lots of little jobs this morning, then after P's excellent vegan cassoulet for lunch, I took my coffee up to the balcony with my journal and my book. It was breezy, but there was enough warmth in the sun to make it comfortable.

Later this afternoon J's interview was recorded on Zoom. She has been invited to contribute to an educational resource pack, part of a series being put together by a Canadian animation centre, on the theme of deafness and disability. They will include her 2021 animation, Unbound, and edit today's interview together with the "making of" photos and video clips we will be sending them. It went well: everything was prepared, and they seem to be a lovely team, very friendly and positive. 

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