Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Black-spined Prickly Pear

The cactus have begun to bloom.  The hedgehogs did last week. Yesterday I noticed these Black-spined prickly pear cactus in bloom.  They produce one of my favorite cactus flowers because of the two colors.  

Yesterday's appointment with my neurologist was decent.  Other doctors have been telling me that there was no reason for my stabbing headaches and pain on the back of my head when it was touched by anything: my hand, a headrest, a pillow.

Finally, someone figured it out. The occipital nerve on the right side of my neck was inflamed, irritated or pinched, probably as a result of my October head trauma. It's called Occipital Neuralgia (Johns Hopkins video).  He gave me a nerve block. It still hurts like heck but am over the side effects.  Hopefully, I'll get relief in a few days.
Yay!  I'm not crazy.  Well, not any crazier than usual.

Thanks for all of the recent stars and comments. Sorry I haven't done much replying or commenting. I'm rarely on the computer for more than a few minutes because of the strain.

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