Blue sky thinking

Definitely blue sky thinking today! A lovely day, good enough to have lunch out on the deck, Some big white clouds coming over from time to time, but that was OK as we were getting scorched!

Went down town before lunch on a late look-out for seed potatoes and got the very last bag from the garden centre  - the maincrop Caledonia Rose.  So along with my bag of earlies, Foremost, there'll be a planting day down at the Walled Garden soonish. I stopped on the way back to take a picture of these cherry trees, as I probably do every spring. The road downhill between them is strictly speaking Rockfield Road, but it's usually called Morris Hill, after the house at the top.

Spent the afternoon playing with plants, and invited my neighbour John up for a cuppa on the deck. All round a good day.

Quote of the Day: 'I never get tired of the blue sky' - Vincent van Gogh.

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