Her Majestery is not the only one with a birthday today, G is exactly 40 years young that Her Majesty and does not live in a castle!!!!

Garron (as that is G's name) is 56 years young today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY G.  We've tried to make it as good a one as possible as we really are still in isolation.  

The card he is holding is a bit special because Garron is huge Hi-Fi and jazz fan and we found this card which actually plays the record of a jazzy version of HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU - that was a rather unique find!!!

We had the opening of the cards before Breakfast, followed by the opening of the presents ritual after breakfast.  Very much enjoyed by all three of us.  

We're going to give him a nice meal this evening too and this afternoon we can watch one of his many DVD gifts, one in particular I know he's been itching to see for a long time.

Doors and windows wide open - view across The Bay is lovely and the sun is shining - if only we were all very fit and healthy it would be perfect.  Still, hopefully not too long to go now!!!

I've attached a couple of collages in extras, one of G's birthday and one from my trip out yesterday, which did just about do me in, but at least I got out someone where I could still be in isolation. 

Take care everyone and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow. 

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