A verge full of daffodils

Such a terrific line of gold. Many verges are chokka like this and are a truly welcome sight in a still drab landscape.

LH out to golf this morning so Very and I had a wander. I decided to be brave and drop her m long lead and she was largely very good. There was one Incident of hightailing off (chasing birds skimming just in front of her nose, so that's truly irresistible) but when she did come back she came straight to my feet which is a huge first; in the past she's lurked 30' away! So we are making real progress (although there are always going to be bird and bunnies to contend with).

I cleaned through the clubhouse this afternoon (a dubious 'honour' of being captain!). It's only small but I've discovered that sweeping and mopping are the worst sort of motion for my back. So no golf play for me tonight (I had thought I'd try a couple of holes).

Golf was sparsely attended again tonight; having a few people away south or working really makes a difference to our tiny crew. I'm hoping this isn't a sign of things to come, although we did have two turn up last week that haven't previously. Just the time of year, I hope!

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