Birthday Boy

It's assumed that today is William Shakespeare’s birthday, also the date of his death....some years later.  The powers that be don't know for certain as births were not registered in the 1500s, but baptisms were, and it is known that Bill was christened on 26th April 1564.  Anyway Stratford makes a big fuss about the whole thing, naturally, and this weekend is when the celebrations are undertaken.

We didn't go into town this morning for the parade of dignitaries and others as it would be very busy, and you can't normally see too much.  We went in after lunch as I wanted to see the flags lining Bridge Street, High Street and Henley Street.  We also thought we'd stop by at York's Cafe for a coffee.  

Whilst crossing Bancroft Gardens I noticed Shakespeare had donned a party hat for his birthday.  A suitable candidate for today's Silly Saturday. 

The Ukraine flag held pride of place outside Barclays Bank, see extras along with other flags along Bridge Street.

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