We all took our second lateral flow tests today and all were still negative.  That means that we can now go out and about safely.  YEAH.

I had a much better night too, I think largely thanks to the cough medicine that Hubby got for me.  He got Wells Pharmacy own and as recommended by the girl behind the counter.  After 3  doses the violent coughing has now stopped and it's the first day I've really felt like it was going - WHOOOPPPEEE!!

So Hubby went up his allotment again and I took G to Conishead Priory/ Manjushri as he does like it there.

We were held up o the A590 due to roadworks - not much problem going but it held us by a good 20 minutes coming back - still we were in no hurry and it's not a problem when you know what the hold up is.

We were the only people still wearing masks in the cafe!!!!  Just getting over covid I definitely don't want it again thank you, so will do what I can to not get it.

We started off by having some Sweet Potato and Ginger soup with toasted sourdough bread - delicioius.  Sadly they are still unable to do sandwiches so G couldn't have his combo, but to be fair the soup was more than enough anyway.

G wanted to browse round the Buddhist shop so I left him to it and went for a walk around the grounds, through the woods that were teeming with wild garlic and quite a lot of bluebells, but I have seen more there before.  The blossom trees and rhododenrons were all in full bloom and looking stunning.  

There were quite a few tourists around but not over busy and very pleasant.  I did get very tired so it was definitley time to head home.

Whilst in the queue waiting to get through the roadworks I noticed a woodland full of bluebells, if only I hadnt been driving!!!??

Poor hubby had a less successful day.  He went up his allotent, no problem, but he put his hand on a shelf in his shed and got stung by a wasp - eeekkk!!!  He got the sting out and poured some hand santisier on it and it seems to have taken a lotof the pain out of it.  He then got a splinter in his other hand and his neighbour at the allotment was there and in a chatty mood, so he didn't get as much done as he was hoping.  So he gets a bit of TLC now and is OK.  It's amazing that the sanitiser took away the pain form the sting I would not have thought of that!!!

That's all for today.  Do take care and stay safe everyoe.  

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