Classic Brough of Birsay

My Dad took countless photos of this view - for obvious reasons! LH and I were over in the far north west to confirm the position for siting my parents' memorial bench. Holes are now dug for the concrete footings to anchor it in place and it's due to be actually placed there next week. A good job done with the terrific assistance of the local community council. We can't thank them enough.

All my plans for a quiet day's sewing went to pot. I was too bed in the small hours last night doing some bits for the wedding and today saw responses from those I'd chased. So lovely to catch up with family and friends but that was at least three hours 'lost', and I didn't even get Berry out until after midday. By the time I returned, I'd barely managed a late lunch before LH was back from golf and then we needed to head out to catch a bite to eat before meeting up at Birsay.

Best laid plans and all that ...

Extra: I happened to be around when the binmen came and collected the 84 bags of bruck and associated large stuff so I took a photo. Not exciting but a job done! I'm not sure how the lorry managed to swallow that big pile - it must have super crushing powers!

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